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Поделиться22007-09-12 23:30:11
На официальном сайте появилась информация о программах Джеффа на грядущий сезон. Как видите, короткая программа у него поменялась, а произвольную он оставил. Кто-нибудь уже видел её?
2007 - 2008
SP: "I Pagliacci"
LP: "Ararat" - movie soundtrack by Michael Danna
Поделиться32007-09-13 21:46:43
Короткую, в смысле?
Поделиться42007-09-13 21:55:25
Ага! Произвольную уж сто раз видела... Красота...
Поделиться52007-09-13 21:56:20
Я не видела, её ещё нет в нете, насколько я знаю...
Поделиться62007-09-13 21:58:37
Вот и я тоже не видела! К сожалению... У тебя есть НТВ+спорт? Я вот страдаю, скоро Гран-при будут показывать. Там бы и увидела... Ты, кстати, едешь на Cup of Russia?
Поделиться72007-09-13 22:24:17
НТВ+ было до этого лета, сейчас отключили. На COR не еду, т.к. в Украине живу:)) Так что придётся всё с нета скачивать (но нам не привыкать )
Поделиться82007-09-13 22:27:16
Вау! На Украине тоже есть поклонники Джеффри?! :boast: С нета не то уже! Нет тех эмоций, когда болеешь и переживаешь. потому что я себя знаю. не выдержу и посмотрю результаты, да и с остальными участниками не сравнишь! Я, правда, тоже не из Москвы, но ради такого случая...!
Поделиться92007-09-13 22:39:45
На Украине ещё как есть! Я и...всё,наверное Хотя нет, ещё наш комментатор и бывший фигурист Д.Дмитренко, вот он Джеффри любит.
Поделиться102007-09-13 22:43:12
Ну, я планирую годик без нтв+ пожить, а дальше...посмотрим
Поделиться112007-09-13 22:46:22
Самое обидное, что через интернет тоже не посмотришь! Если разбирать технику - то у Джеффа одни из самых сложных программ, тем более, как пишет пресса, он технически очень набрал в этом году!
Поделиться122007-09-13 22:50:52
Ему бы с акселем что-то решить :fie:
Поделиться132007-09-13 22:52:39
Ну, на ЧК всё было неплохо с акселем. Ой, этот аксель! С ним у всех проблемы! Но я верю, что Джеффри справится и будет радовать нас только первыми местами!
Поделиться142007-09-13 23:00:15
Это само собой:))
Поделиться152007-09-13 23:00:48
Скопировала сюда статью о Джеффри
In quest of the quad
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
August 10, 2007 at 9:48 PM EDT
BEVERLEY SMITH — Jeffrey Buttle knows exactly what he has to do, now: put a quadruple jump into his repertoire, skate to dramatic music and make sure the judges can't take their eyes off him.
The 24-year-old figure skater from Sudbury has spent little time in Canada this summer. He's been hunkered down in California, busy with his quad quest. After finishing sixth at the world championships in Tokyo in March, the former world silver medalist is serious about turning around his fortunes.
In Toronto for only four days this week, just long enough to skate at a gala at the Mariposa Skating Club in Barrie, Buttle said: "There were obviously things that just had to be done. Seeing the competition this year, the quad is obviously something that just has to be there."
Buttle has landed a quad in competition, but that was years ago. He's been benefiting from his exquisite skating abilities for several years, picking up points that baffled others. But now the others are catching up, and quads are again separating the medal winners from the also-rans. Previously unheralded Czech skater Tomas Verner finished fourth with two quads in his long program at the world championships in March.
All summer, Buttle has been working on improving his strength and fine-tuning his technique on his triple toe loop before he advances to the quadruple toe loop. He's only just begun trying quads again.
Most significantly, he's turned to the strength trainer world champion Michelle Kwan used in California to build strength and power. "It's working," Buttle said. He's packed five pounds of muscle on his slim frame and said the difference is obvious.
The strength training is also doubling as insurance so that he isn't revisiting the back problems that caused him to miss half of last season and Kurt Browning's television special Gotta Skate last fall. This year, he won't miss Browning's new version of Gotta Skate with a Motown theme that features live musicians, including the Temptations and Boyz II Men.
As for his competitive programs for the coming season, Buttle said he's keeping his introspective long program to the soundtrack from the film Ararat — it didn't get much use last year — but will offer a new short program to music from the opera I Pagliacci.
Buttle said he and choreographer David Wilson decided to go in the same direction, to use dramatic music that the opera offers. Buttle said he didn't know until after he had chosen it that the music was Toller Cranston's signature piece.
Cranston said the piece, which he first used as an exhibition at the 1974 world championships in Munich, cemented his career. Hundreds of opportunities over the years can be traced back to one performance of Pagliacci in Munich, he said.
The role of Pagliacci is a fool and a hero who believes anything is possible. He spends his life chasing a dream.
Buttle thinks it's "cool" that Pagliacci was such an important piece to Cranston. But Cranston said from Mexico that he thinks the music is too slow for a short program.
"The No. 1 thing about a short program is that it is an act of extreme aggression," Cranston said yesterday. "You're trying to claw your way out of the generic group in order to get into the top group, in which you may shoot for the podium. It almost without exception has to be aggressive and a declaration of war."
Поделиться162007-09-13 23:04:31
А перевести можешь? а то у мен я с английским напряг, так некоторые слова уловила. Хотя бы в общих чертах?
Поделиться172007-09-13 23:04:41
Спасибо за статью:)
Надеюсь, Джефф справится с четверным.
Поделиться182007-09-14 17:57:59
Конечно справится! Он у нас большой умничка!
Поделиться192007-09-14 21:38:37
Сегодня в поте лица пыталась найти новую короткую программу! Ни фига! На канадском новостном сайте про ФК пишут только, что Джеффри сейчас ездит вместе с Куртом Браунингом по Канаде и с этой самой программой выступает. Что ж её не выкинут -то никак в интернет???
Поделиться202007-09-14 21:49:48
В шоу запрещают снимать. Джеффри выступает в Stars on ice?
Музыка из оперы Леонкавалло "Паяццы", у меня нет ничего этого композитора.
Поделиться212007-09-14 21:53:55
Stars on ice
Ага! Только это, вроде, какое-то шоу самого Курта. Он Джеффри туда пригласил. Да, честно говоря, название мне абсолютно ни о чём не говорит. Вечно Джефф чего-нибудь учудит! За что мне и нравится!
Поделиться222007-09-14 22:00:50
А что пишут по поводу короткой на его канадском фан-сайте?
Поделиться232007-09-14 22:12:53
Да ничего не пишут! Даже про Браунинговское (почти как движение ) шоу всего несколько слов!
Поделиться242007-09-14 22:17:59
В шоу потренирует программу, как раз к Скейт Канада будет в хорошей форме. Из самых серьезных соперников у него на этом этапе Жубер.
Поделиться252007-09-14 22:24:54
Ещё был Ода, но его дисквалифицировали, ты наверняка в курсе, ещё ничего неизвестно с китайцем. В этом году я на него не обратила внимания, но в 2006 в Калгари он шпарил прыжки!... Джефф, кстати, сейчас в очень даже неплохой форме! Понятно, что на шоу будет упрощённый вариант, но на четырёх континентах он прекрасно выступил!
Поделиться262007-09-14 22:30:14
Ещё на официальном форуме обсуждают какую-то передачу, которая по CTV будет идти. Что-то про новый сезон и про Олимпиаду в Ванкувере. И про
проблемы, связанные с ней. Наверняка Джеффри покажут!
Поделиться272007-09-14 22:38:01
Может быть кто-нибудь из канадских поклонников запишет и выложит в сеть. Знаю, что на других фан-сайтах так и делают.
Поделиться282007-09-14 22:39:49
Skaters getting ready for Skate Canada’s 2007 high performance camp in Vancouver… and fans are invited!
(September 5, 2007)
Skate Canada will be holding its annual high performance camp September 12-15 at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver for Canada’s national figure skating team and elite skaters competing internationally this season. This year’s camp is jointly funded by VANOC, Own The Podium and Skate Canada.
Skate Canada will hold this camp at the Pacific Coliseum every fall until 2009 in order to give skaters the chance to get familiar with the 2010 Olympic venue as all figure skating events will take place at the Pacific Coliseum during the Olympic Games in Vancouver, to be held February 12-28, 2010.
“It’s great what Skate Canada is doing. It is always to an athlete’s advantage to get familiar with a competition site as early as possible to get rid of that nervous feeling of competing in an unfamiliar space,” said Canadian champion and Olympic bronze medalist Jeff Buttle at the 2006 camp, which also took place at the Pacific Coliseum.
The 2008 BMO Canadian Figure Skating Championships will also be held at the Pacific Coliseum, from January 16-20, 2008.
“This year’s camp is an opportunity for our skaters to get familiar with the venue that will be used for our national championships in a few months, and for the Olympic Games in 2010,” says Skate Canada’s High Performance Director Mike Slipchuk.
The annual high performance camp provides skaters with instant technical feedback and allows them to polish their programs before the ISU Grand Prix season begins.
Meagan Duhamel / Craig Buntin
Meagan Duhamel and Craig Buntin
Vaughn Chipeur
Vaughn Chipeur
“Our high performance camp gives our skaters the chance to perform in a simulation competitive environment and receive feedback from ISU judges and technical specialists right away,” adds Slipchuk. “This camp gets our skaters ready for the upcoming competitive season.”
Members of the 2007-2008 Skate Canada National Team participating in the 2007 high performance camp are 2007 Canadian Women’s Champion Joannie Rochette, Mira Leung, Lesley Hawker, Cynthia Phaneuf, 2007 Canadian Men's Champion Jeffrey Buttle, Chris Mabee, Shawn Sawyer, Patrick Chan, Joey Russell, 2007 Canadian Pairs’ Champions Jessica Dubé and Bryce Davison, Anabelle Langlois and Cody Hay, Rachel Kirkland and Eric Radford, 2007 Canadian ice dancing silver medallists Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, and Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje. Canadian skaters competing in ISU Senior Grand Prix events this season Vaughn Chipeur, Kevin Reynolds, Meagan Duhamel and Craig Buntin, are also taking part in the 2007 high performance camp.
Skating fans invited to attend
The Skate Canada high performance camp will also be open to the public. Skating fans will be able to watch Canada’s elite figure skaters perform their new or revised programs at the following times:
What: Short program / original dance competition simulation
Date: Friday, Sept. 14
Time: 4:30 – 7:45 p.m.
Location: Pacific Coliseum
What: Free skate competition simulation
Date: Saturday, Sept. 15
Time: 1:30 – 5:15 p.m.
Location: Pacific Coliseum
Tickets for the public to attend the high performance camp are free of charge and available in limited amounts. For tickets please contact Danielle from Skate Canada-BC/Yukon at 604.205.6960 or by email at danielle@skatinginbc.com
Skate Canada’s 2007 high performance camp will end with a social dinner evening on Saturday, September 15.
Поделиться292007-09-14 22:42:47
Skating fans will be able to watch Canada’s elite figure skaters perform their new or revised programs at the following times:
Ну, вот и хорошо, надеюсь. добрые канадцы нам выложат видео!
Поделиться302007-09-14 22:44:12
Jeff Buttle joins Kurt Browning’s “Gotta Skate” ice show
(September 5, 2007)
Jeff ButtleThree-time Canadian champion Jeff Buttle was thrilled when four-time world champion and four-time Canadian champion Kurt Browning invited him to participate in his “Gotta Skate ice show this year.
The 2007 “Kurt Browning’s Gotta Skate” ice show presented by Smucker’s will be held Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, Ont. Jeff was unable to participate in last year’s show due to injury. He later had the chance to skate with Kurt on the Stars On Ice tour.
Jeff is also getting ready for his ISU Grand Prix season. He will be competing at the 2007 HomeSense Skate Canada International in Québec City November 1-4, 2007 and at the Cup of Russia in Moscow November 22-25, 2007.
Joining Kurt and Jeff on the ice will be 2003 world ice dancing champion Shae-Lynn Bourne, two-time world silver medallists Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon, three-time Canadian champion Joannie Rochette, Olympic silver medallist Sasha Cohen, and two-time world bronze medallist Evan Lysacek. This year’s “Kurt Browning’s Gotta Skate” ice show will feature special musical guests The Temptations and Boyz II Men.
Tickets are available through Ticketmaster on-line at wwwticketmaster.ca, by phone at 416.870.8000 or at the Hershey Centre Box Office, and range from $35.00 to $100.00
The show will air on NBC Sunday, November 11, 2007 from 4-6PM EST and at a later date on CBC. Visit http://www.dissonskating.com for more information on the show.